Thursday, 29 March 2012

Every employee's fantasy... or is that just me!

So Greg Smith did what, I bet, many of us have fantasized doing. Those crazy days when you feel unappreciated, and frankly just want to fuck-it-all, grab your jacket and storm off. Phew... if only!  You are not halfway through that thought process before you remember: the mortgage, that you haven't been as disciplined with your savings (hell, the next rent is almost due), and dammit didn't you promise to finally pay for that trip Grandma has been pining for. So you take a deep breath, look that ass-hole of a boss in the face and say "Sure thing, I'll have it ready for you in no time."

The trick to sanity at work (and hey! I'm no Dr. Phil) is to be selfish (FYI, this works for marriage too). Know that you in it because you choose to be. You are not trapped, you have a choice, it is in line with your career objectives, you are achieving what you hoped to. Give it your best, while ensuring that your goals are being met. If they are not, calmly create your exit plan. Never be too busy that you do not have a moment to evaluate these. In the words of Steven Silbiger in his book The Jewish Phenomenon "Work for yourself...always." Your boss gets the best of you, and most importantly (hopefully), you do not lose your mind.

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